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Why bother, why gather #5

August 26, 2010

One of my jobs growing up as a church leader’s kid was to put the song numbers up on the songboard before the meeting started.  I loved this job – I had a real feeling of superiority, being ‘in the know’ as to what was going to happen in the service before everyone else.  How silly! Especially since everyone else already knew what would happen, as it would be the same as every other week – song, prayer, song, scripture, song, testimony, song, sermon, altar call, song.

And now I am in the freedom of a movement of churches that welcome the Holy Spirit and His leading, that accept spiritual gifts and the involvement of the body in corporate worship – and yet I wonder, are we in danger of being the same kind of church as I grew up in?  Where everybody knows exactly what’s going to happen anyway, only this time, we don’t show the congregation the songs we’ve already chosen?

1 Corinthians 14:26, people.  It’s in the Bible, so it trumps whatever you think corporate worship is actually about.

So is 1 Corinthians 14:12 – if you want God to show up at your meetings, go for spiritual gifts! (my paraphrase)

Let’s do it!

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